Siebold Method

The Siebold Method

Two speakers present this private webinar highlighting novel rehab approaches using Galileo (side-alternating vibration) for children with neurological conditions.

Dagmar Siebold from Berlin has been a physiotherapist for 26 years and owns 3 neuro pediatric clinics where she and her team of 12 therapists treat infants and children. In the first two videos Dagmar will discuss her therapy approach, highlight three of her most valuable tools and explain remarkable video case studies using her Siebold Method.  Dagmar began incorporating the Galileo-Training tool in her practice in 2008 and recognized it accelerated her children’s recovery outcomes by providing a high repetition rate of muscle stimulation in a short period of time.

Harald Schubert, Managing Director of NOVOTEC Medical and STRATEC Medical will present the Galileo-Training Concept of side-alternating vibration in the third video.  Harald has a Masters Degree in Engineering and has developed many neuromuscular products.  In 1986 he developed the first commercial portable 8-channel FES stimulator for paras and quads in Europe prior to going to work for STRATEC in 1989.   At STRATEC Harald helped designed and developed a quantitative computer tomography imaging product known as (pQCT) for bone density and muscle analysis along with the Leonardo force plate.  In 1995 Harald and partner Hans began designing Galileo side-alternating vibration platforms that was a natural building block in the companies holistic concept for muscle/bone diagnosis and therapy.

In 1998 Galileo hit the market through a second company called NOVOTEC Medical.  Galileo platforms are FDA approved in the US, the company has high scientific standards and hundreds of clinical studies have been published.

NOVOTEC is a project partner of ESA (European Space Agency) in several projects e.g. for the evaluation of efficient training measures to avoid muscle and bone loss during space missions and collaborates extensively with other renowned research facilities like Charité Berlin, University Clinic Cologne and ETH Zurich

Marilyn Hamilton


Siebold Method – Motor Patterns

Siebold Method – Case Studies


Galileo Training Concepts