
Take a look at this private case study of Lara, born with hypotension-developmental delay.  Please do not forward without permission.

In November 2011 when Lara was 4 yrs. 7 mo. Galileo Training was added to her therapy program with the goals to improve:
  1. Abdominal muscles (trunk stability)
  2. Gluteus medius and maximus (build power in her thighs)
  3. Stability of her shoulder girdle
Note the active exercises that Alexandra, PT has Lara doing on Galileo. She is doing 6 to 7 three minutes sessions at 20hz to 23 hz daily.
The basic Galileo principles are applied exactly the same for children to seniors.
  • Set your goal
  • Adjust the frequency
  • Determine the amplitude (foot position)
  • Use perfect body position on Galileo in order to drive the vibration into the specific muscle groups you desire to train.
Enjoy Alexandra’s creative use of Galileo and see Lara’s gains in 9 months that has enhanced her life.


This is a private page so please do not forward without permission.