Frequency Matters

Selection of the Appropriate Frequency for Galileo® Training

Regardless of the training frequency, micro-circulation and blood flow are significantly improved within the trained body parts. Flexibility and thus the energy storage capacity in the muscle-tendon complex are increased. The training frequency also has direct impact on the effect of Galileo Training and must be chosen according to the training objective. It should be noted that the information listed below might vary by a few Hertz individually, depending on the fitness level of the user.

Depending on the frequency range the muscle or the body responds in different ways. The three frequency ranges of Galileo Training are therefore not arbitrary but are determined as a result of muscle physiology (biological and mechanical properties of muscle) and its neural control.

Low Frequencies (5–12 Hertz)

Low frequencies between 5 and 12 Hz are used for mobilization.

At low frequencies the motion of the Galileo Training platform is not fast enough to trigger stretch reflexes. Low frequencies result in conscious compensation of the tilting movement and are therefore especially used for mobilization. Significantly increased movement of the hip characterizes them.


  • Tension relief / muscle relaxation, “Cool-Down”
  • Improvement of proprioception / balance 

Intermediate Frequencies (12–20 Hertz)

Training target at intermediate frequencies, 12 to 20 Hz (cycles per second) is the training of muscle function as such.

At a training frequency of 15 Hertz, for example, the time between two reflex cycles is about 67 milliseconds. After the contraction the remaining time is sufficient for the muscle to completely relax again before the next contraction because the average time for a complete physiological contraction-/relaxation cycle is only about 50 milliseconds. This is particularly important if the basic functions of the muscle, namely contraction, relaxation and coordination are to be trained effectively. Due to the large number of repetitions (e.g. 3 minutes Galileo Training at 18 Hertz corresponds to 3240 cycles) improvement of muscle function can be achieved much faster than with conventional training methods. Also crucial, is the fact that muscle activity during Galileo Training is not consciously controlled but, rather, is based on reflexes and therefore mainly unaffected by the user’s volition. This ensures that the control loops consisting of muscle -ligaments – tendons – cartilage – nerves are optimized independently. At the same time the entire chain of muscles and therefore their coordination is always trained. It is pivotal for this coordination training with Galileo that this chain of muscles is stimulated in physiologically meaningful patterns similar to human gait. 


  • Improvement of muscle function and coordination
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Stretching of muscles and tendons

High Frequencies (20–30 Hertz)

High frequencies between 20 and 30 Hz are used to improve muscle power and muscle force.

At high frequencies muscles do not have enough time for a complete relaxation between two cycles. Rather, the muscle is forced into re-contraction when it is just about to relax or has relaxed partially. As a result, inter-and intramuscular coordination (specifically at larger forces and within a very short time span) is trained, which consequently causes increased muscle power. Elite athletes, in particular, training on the Galileo have shown that frequencies above 30 Hz are only useful for very select few exceptional athletes. In all other cases a maximum frequency of 30 Hz is sufficient for most users.


  • Improvement of muscle tone
  • Increase of muscle power and muscle force
  • Re-establishment of muscle force


Galileo Basics

Frequency Matters


Muscle-Bone Relationship

Vibration Types



Side Effects