Gait Correction Training

Domini Anne, Galileo Master Trainer – Training Ziggy

Here’s a little video I shot for parents working with their children on gait correction. My son Ziggy is lying with his pelvis centered on the Galileo, set to 18 Hz.

We have a folded up towel on top of the platform so that the mechano-stimulation is distributed best throughout the soft tissue. I am providing resistance with my hands in all directions. Sometimes I guide his legs to start, and then have him lightly pressed into me to maintain his alignment.

This type of engaged work is excellent for proprioceptive feedback as well as muscular retraining when there are misalignment issues anywhere from the hips on down to the feet. Can be used for both kids who are walking and those not walking yet.

Remember that the contractions travel the strongest along and engage muscle chain, so the more assistance you can provide, the more powerful the work.

And most importantly, never forget to play!