Corporate Health

An employee who feels well can focused on his work. Fitness is an essential component of well-being in general end hence Galileo Training can be effectively used in a corporate health setting with different training goals.

With very low expenditure of time muscles of the back and the neck can be relaxed, blood flow can be increased and fitness can be improved.
Depending on the used Galileo Training system this can be achieved even without extra personnel.

Why Galileo?

Relaxation and strengthening with Galileo®.

The Galileo training platform simulates the walking motion, which can activate almost all the muscles that are used for walking. The back muscles can be relaxed or strengthened in a short time by this compressed gait movement (walking while standing). Invest 5 minutes a day on the health of your employees.

Galileo® Training – the right training for almost everybody.

Galileo Training can be used to help employees in production (performing monotonous or demanding activities) as well as those performing more sedentary activities. Back or leg muscles may be relaxed and strengthened by a custom-designed program. A few  minutes a day can be enough to recharge the energy for the workday. Galileo can thus be used daily by many users.

Galileo® Training can saves personnel and time.

Designed as “training islands”, Galileo Training can be applied with little manpower in a small space. With the help of a chip-card, the training can be individually designed, monitored and adjusted or you can simply control access to the Galileo device.

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