Our German Partner

About Stratec & Novotec Medical

Novotec Medical was founded 2001 and is based in Pforzheim. It is a TÜV-certified manufacturer of Galileo training and therapy devices and of Leonardo motion analysis systems (mechanography).

The basis for the development of Galileo was laid at the sister company Stratec Medizintechnik GmbH (a spin-off of the 1979 founded Stratec Elektronik GmbH), that develops, produces, and distributes peripheral quantitative computed tomography systems (pQCT) for muscle and bone analysis.

For more than 25 years the consolidated companies collaborate closely with international research facilities. The realised results are continuously incorporated in our products.

pQCT bone density and geometry, Leonardo mechanography and Galileo Training are building blocks of a holistic concept for diagnosis and therapy.

The portfolio of imaging, motion analysis and Galileo Training adds up to a holistic concept around the issue of muscle and bone, ranging from diagnosis to treatment. Novotec Medical is project partner of ESA ( European Space Agency) in several projects e.g. for the evaluation of efficient training measures to avoid muscle and bone loss during space missions and collaborates worldwide with other renowned research facilities like Charité Berlin, university clinic Cologne and ETH Zurich.

In addition to the high scientific standards, the constant expansion of the indication list for the side alternating vibration training with Galileo is our priority. The manufacturer puts great emphasis on the differentiation of side alternating Galileo technology to products with different functionalities.