Aging, Balance & Fall Prevention

Side-alternating vibration exercise is safe and well tolerated in seniors to counteract the loss of balance, strength and power.   Preventing this age-associated side effect, or keeping its impact as low as possible is an effective means of training for fall-prevention.  Galileo-Training is a promising tool for the aging population because it’s easy to do for a population that may otherwise have a difficult time with traditional strength training.  Additionally, because it takes a short period of time compliance is enhanced preventing seniors from the vicious circle of pain generation caused by immobilization.

Senior Training

Senior Training

Condition Effects:

  • Maintain muscle mass and performance
  • Improvement in timed up and go test
  • Improved balance and fall prevention
  • Higher gait speed and walking distance
  • The avoidance of chronic back pain
  • Relaxation of muscle cramping

Studies – Fall Prevention


  • Controlled Whole Body Vibration to Decrease Fall Risk and Improve Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly Patients. Fast and easy exercises, 3 times a week during 6 weeks, using a controlled whole body vibrations platform, could improve the quality of life, the walk, the balance and the motor capacity in elderly patients. The treatment group underwent 6 weeks of CWBV (4 – one minute series, 3 – times a week) on a vibrating platform (10 Hz in the first and third series and 27 Hz in the second and fourth ones). (O. Buyere, et al Poster Board #114, Presentation #1271 at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting in Orlando, FL 2003).

Study Summaries:

  • WBV is a safe modality to increase physiological responses of reflex and muscle activity, and muscle function, for athletes, the aged, and compromised health. (Int J Sports Med. 2011
  • WBV training group had a significant lower risk of falls in females over 65 compared to a control group. Both exercise and WBV group had a significant increase in trunk strength and leg strength compared to the control group. (Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2010)
  • Improved elements of fall risk and “home related quality of life of nursing home” elderly patients. (Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2005)
  • High-frequency vibration training increases muscle power in postmenopausal women. Over 6 months, muscle power improved by about 5% in women who received the intervention, and it remained unchanged in controls (P=.004) Thus, reflex muscular contractions induced by vibration training improve muscle power in postmenopausal women.(Arch Phys Med Rehabil., 2003)