
Complications after a stroke affect not only individual muscles, but also their interaction, which is critical for posture and movement. In addition the loss of muscle strength and muscle power causes an altered perception of the body. Movements and muscle tone are disrupted, with little to no control over partial movement. Using Galileo the muscles can be trained and spasticity and muscle tone can effectively be controlled. Due to the high number of repetitions during Galileo Training residual functions are rapidly activated.

Condition Effects:

  • Improvement in chair rising test
  • Maintaining and improvement in muscle power and coordination
  • Improvement of posture and movement control
  • Faster activation of residual functions
  • Improvement in coordination and agility
  • Improvement in proprioception
  • Restoration of body symmetry by rhythmic right / left movement of the training platform
  • Improvement in balance reactions and response time, resulting in fall prevention
  • Prevention of immobility-related damage

Studies – Stroke